quilting flannel juvenile flannel
pajama flannel
Top 21 Products



 (52 items)
Americana (95 items)
Animal Skins (92 items)
Animals (273 items)
Astro Brites (231 items)
Baby Plaid (98 items)
Barcode Kitties (97 items)
Batik (93 items)
Bears (110 items)
Betty Boop (89 items)
Blenders (155 items)
Boyd Bears (92 items)
Breast Cancer (88 items)
Bugs & Insects (133 items)
Camouflage (98 items)
Care Bears (89 items)
CARS (94 items)
Celestial (138 items)
Character (153 items)
Check (118 items)
Chevrons (107 items)
Damask (97 items)
Diaper Flannel (90 items)
Dogs & Cats (106 items)
Filigree and Swirls (101 items)
Florals (188 items)
Food & Beverage (108 items)
Frozen (95 items)
General Motors Cars (96 items)
Gingham (110 items)
Glow In The Dark (93 items)
Hands & Feet (93 items)
Hawaiian & Tropical (94 items)
Hello Kitty (98 items)
Holiday & Seasonal (182 items)
John Deere (90 items)
Juvenile (759 items)
Landscapes (92 items)
Larry Fanning  (91 items)
Letters & Numbers (103 items)
McDonalds (92 items)
Milkyway Bear (93 items)
New (6444 items)
Novelty (179 items)
Pastels (100 items)
Plaids (176 items)
Police & Fire (92 items)
Polkadots (158 items)
Precious Moments (96 items)
Primary Colors (112 items)
Quilt Backing 108" (86 items)
Quilters (383 items)
Raggedy Ann and Andy (86 items)
Religious (74 items)
Robert Kaufman (103 items)
Rubberized Flannel  (63 items)
Sesame Street (89 items)
Shirting & Brawny (86 items)
Solids (131 items)
Specials (168 items)
Sports (104 items)
Strawberry Shortcake (84 items)
Stripes and Tickings (109 items)
Super Heroes (85 items)
Thomas Kinkade (70 items)
Tie Dye (133 items)
Toile (85 items)
Trains (90 items)
Transportation (156 items)
Western (90 items)
Wilderness & Nature (108 items)
Winnie The Pooh (79 items)
Woven (148 items)

All Patterns (1146 items)

54 inch Wide (0 items)

60 inch Wide (62 items)

108 inch Wide (4 items)



Quilt Builder is a tool offered by FlannelWorld.com and CravingCotton.com to help customers pick sets or combinations of materials they might use in their projects.

In browsing our sites, visitors will notice the icon in various product displays. By clicking on this icon, the visitor will add the material to their personal quilt block, which is a temporary storage space for collecting materials that might be used in a project.

The quilt block may be visited from most any page by clicking the 'Quilt Builder' link along the left side of the screen in the main menu. As a visitor adds materials to their quilt block, miniature versions of the Quilt Builder icon will accumulate to the right of the 'Quilt Builder' link to indicate the presence and number of materials in the quilt block.

Quilt Builder

The Quilt Builder has several buttons across the top of the screen used to control Quilt Builder. The contents of the current quilt block are also displayed on the screen.

The images of the materials are surrounded by textual details about each material. The images themselves may be dragged around the screen and stacked one on top of another in order to get a better perspective of their color and pattern compatibility. This is accomplished by clicking and holding the left mouse button while dragging the image around the screen. The image positions are stored each time the visitor leaves the Quilt Builder, so that arrangements remain upon reloading the page, but they MUST BE STORED PERMANENTLY if a visitor wants to be able to return at a later date to use their quilt block(s).

Permanent Storage

FlannelWorld.com and CravingCotton.com users may permanently store their quilt block(s) free of charge on our servers. This is quick and easy to do. Simply click the 'Login' Icon at the top of the Quilt Builder screen and enter your email address when prompted. Don't worry, we won't share you email address with anyone and simply use it to seperate your quilt blocks from other users.

After your email address is processed, the 'Login' icon disappers and the 'Name' and 'Open' Icons appear.

By clicking the 'Name' icon, the quilt block that is currently active can be named and saved for later use. After clicking 'Name', a dialog box appears requesting a name for the current quilt block. After a name is entered and the 'continue' button clicked, a message appears indicating the qult block has been successfully saved.

By clicking the 'Open' Icon, previously saved quilt blocks may be loaded into Quilt Builder and manipulated. Please

keep in mind that changes made to a quilt block that has been loaded become immediately permanent to the loaded quilt block and to the stored quilt block.

Looking for Cotton? Visit our other site!

Looking for Quarter Yards, Half Yards and Fat Quarters? Visit our other site!

Would you like pictures of your completed project using FlannelWorld materials to be displayed on our site? email us photos at admin@adss.us

Please report Website Use Issues or
Suggestions to our Webmaster

We accept:
flannel fat quarters cotton flannel

A Division of ADSS Inc.
233 1st Avenue South
Okanogan, WA 98840
Phone: (509) 422-1174
Send us email

black flannel

  gingham flannel