Webmaster Feedback Form
Hello, and thank you for taking the time to tell us about problems with
this site, or for making suggestions as to how we could improve your
experience with this site! |
Please understand that this page is to report problems using the site and suggestions to make the site more user friendly or useful.
The messages left here are read by our tech support staff, not our customer support staff.
The following types of questions need to be sent to sendusemail@flannelworld.com, rather than left here:
- Where is my order or how do I track my order
- I want to change my order
- I would like you to stock x type of fabric
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Image is a scan of an 8 by 8 inch swatch. Colors are shown as accurately as Internet methods allow. |
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Looking for Cotton? Visit our other site!

Looking for Quarter Yards, Half Yards and Fat Quarters? Visit our other site!

Would you like pictures of your completed project using FlannelWorld materials to be displayed on our site? email us photos at admin@adss.us
Please report Website Use Issues or Suggestions to our Webmaster
We accept:
A Division of ADSS Inc.
233 1st Avenue South
Okanogan, WA 98840
Phone: (509) 422-1174
Send us email
